Mother's Day is this Sunday!  I wanted to take this opportunity to celebrate all our beautiful mommies out deserve a special day!  I wanted to share this article on "Mom 2 Mom Resilience" written by Cherie Castellano, LPC, Program Director, UBHC- UMDNJ “Mom 2 Mom Program” and our Mom2Mom expert, featured here in May.  Using faith as a guide, here are Cherie's “Ten Commandments of Mom 2 Mom Resilience” which offers some guidelines to reflect on this Mother’s Day season.

1.)    “Know Thyself” – We are forever changing, always a work in progress. Self Assessment is essential.

2.)     “Know Thy Enemy as you know thyself” Sun Tzu- Often we misdirect our frustrations. Who or what are you fighting when you feel derailed?

3.)    “And She Shall Lead Them” – Connect to another Mom,  allow her to  mentor you in times of need, Offer the gesture in a reciprocal manner to  lift each other as you lead.

4.)    “It was then that I carried you” – Enlist your faith to carry you throughout all of your experiences. Allow yourself to receive comfort and support from your faith.

5.)    “Honor Your Family”- Despite our work and community demands make your family  a priority with honor.

6.)    “Be Your Sister’s Keeper” – Lift each other,  avoid envy and competition, find strength in numbers

7.)    “Foster the familiar”- In times of stress, hobbies, routines, family rituals and familiar experiences can soothe and create calm and security

8.)    “And A Child Shall Lead Us”- Take a moment each day to experience life through your child’s eyes.

9.)    “Start Anew”- Change can bring fear yet our lives offer endings that yield new beginnings if we are open.

10.) “That which does not kill us makes us stronger” – All of our challenges offer an opportunity for more growth, more love, more motherhood.                 

Finally show your love to your children everyday! In an article entitled “The Power of Kisses” a study  from The Journal of Epidemiology discovered that children who received a significant amount of hugs and kisses became more resilient adults than those who did not.  The key to resilience may begin with a Mother’s Day kiss!  The mom2mom hotline is 1-877-914-MOM2…..MOM! (1-877 914-6662)  

Happy Mother's Day!