We say goodbye to another year and hello to a new year!  While 2011 was a tough year for many due to weather, job, illness, the economy and to just put all in perspective...tough for a little boy we know who lost his mother, we pray for him and others who have suffered.  We hope that 2012 brings magical beginnings that will turn things around. 

So welcome 2012!  

The beginning of a new year can be rejuvenating!  We allow ourselves to reset our schedules and refocus our energies ... positively. Try to leave the bad behind and start anew.  At the beginning of each year, my favorite exercise is to sit down to a blank piece of paper and scribble my wish list, of course they will be my ambitions of projects to complete, new things to learn, new habits to pick up, old ones to drop, new opportunities, and other objectives. Formulate New Year’s goals for your family and yourself, both personal and work. Goals are important to teach your children too!  Help them write their goals for the year and help them visualize accomplishments that are achievable; be specific on how to get there; quantify if possible, and don’t forget to set a timeframe to completion. The important part is to write them down someplace, like a journal that can be referred back to on a quarterly basis to make sure all stay on plan.   

One of NJ Kids’ goals is to double our friends on Facebook and spread twice the fun, with more things to do for more families!  So if you haven’t visited njkidsonline on facebook, be sure to ‘LIKE’ us on our facebook page

Good luck on your new beginning! We will check back periodically to remind you of your goals.  And don’t say you can’t do it...remember everyone has an angel to help!  

NJ Kids Team