True Abilities Occupational Therapy

We put the "Fun" in Function by using creative games, activities and proven techniques
True Abilities provides exceptional occupational therapy services in your home, school or daycare. We focus on individualized goals, building a solid foundation for new skills & higher levels of achievement. In addition to therapy sessions, we provide tips, strategies and techniques you can use to improve everyday skills in a variety of settings.
With 15+ years of pediatric OT experience in NJ schools (and many years with adults), we help people of all ages achieve their full potential. For children, we enhance school-based OT by providing more intensive individual attention with sensory processing and self-regulation needed to learn higher level skills. Learn more at Complimentary consultations are available.
About Yifat Kedar: Specialist in Child Learning and Development
Yifat Kedar is an occupational therapist with 25+ years of experience. After years of treating adults, she spent 15 years as a pediatric OT in NJ schools and saw first-hand how school-based OT is focused on access to education. Yet children need to thrive in environments outside the classroom. Parents raved about how she went the extra mile and gave them practical techniques they could use to reinforce the OT she provided in school.
During the Covid pandemic, Yifat saw how challenging it was for parents to get the extra attention they and their children required due to overwhelmed Special Needs staff in schools and clinics. She founded True Abilities in 2020, which provides OT to kids virtually, in their homes, daycare and even in schools (after hours). Services for adults are also provided. Her approach is to make therapy engaging and fun, with methods and original games that develop skills.
As stated in her five-star online reviews:
“Ms. Yifat helped our family out in so many ways. Not only did she come in to help our little one for more than a year and half but gave us the tools on a weekly basis to push his therapy to the highest degree.” Another parent said, “She's resourceful, and her patience is endless! She took my son from being behind on his milestones, to meeting all of his milestones, to meeting milestones early! My son would cry for her when his sessions ended.”
To learn more about her story and True Abilities, visit