While we are constantly surrounded by the news of natural disasters, double digit unemployment, global debt crisis, stock market plunges, and not to mention overwhelmed by our own list of domestic complaints, let’s try to keep these pressures from further straining family life. Heading into this holiday season, take a moment to be truly thankful to what we have - family, friends, neighbors, and angels, those who have magically stirred you in the right direction or who have helped get you through tough times.  Celebrate the small simple things that we often take for granted.  Hug your kids, hug your dog, your neighbor and your mom and dad.  Be mindful of everything that we are grateful for. We at NJ Kids’ are blessed to have our extended family who are all of you, the readers and followers of NJ Kids, and who give us the passion to make this NJ Kids website a wonderful resource. We are blessed to have our gracious clients who have been with us.  “You are all perfect”.  

With that, take your kids this November to experience Generation Fit at the Newark Museum.  It’s a special family health festival with a mission to provide a toolkit for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.  The day includes workshops on nutition, cooking and exercise... and featured on our web this month.  You will need some tips after the big turkey!  We wish all of you the heartiest of Thanksgiving.  May you be surrounded by those who think you’re special. Lots of holiday events here.